アイドキ(idoki) Service Terms of Use

Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions are intended to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the company and members in relation to the use of the 'idoki' service provided by Infobank CO LTD (hereinafter "the company").

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

The definitions of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:

  1. "Service" refers to the 'idoki' service that can be used by "members," regardless of the type of device (PC, smartphone, etc.) implemented.
  2. "Member" refers to a customer who accesses the company's "service," enters into a usage contract with the company according to these terms, and uses the "service" provided by the company.
  3. "User ID" or "Member ID" refers to the email address entered or registered by the member for identification and service use of the member.
  4. "Password" refers to a combination of characters or characters and numbers selected by the member to confirm that the person intending to use the company's service is the same person who was assigned the User ID and to protect the member's rights.
  5. "Profile" refers to the personal information of the member listed in the service profile items, entered by the member for using the service.
  6. "Post" or "Content" refers to signs, characters, voices, sounds, images, videos, and other forms of information such as text, photos, videos, various files, and links posted on the service by the member using the service.
  7. "Heart" refers to a right used to express affection towards posts or the member's favorite artist. "Hearts" are provided in a limited number according to operational policy and can be reset according to a set period.

Article 3 (Specification and Revision of Terms)

  1. These terms become effective by being posted on the service screen or by being notified to members by other methods.
  2. "The company" can revise these terms within the bounds not violating related laws such as the Regulation of Terms Act, the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
  3. When "the company" revises the terms, it will announce the reason for the revision along with the current terms and the effective date of the revised terms from 7 days prior to the effective date until the day before the effective date. However, in the case of changes that have a significant impact on the rights and obligations of "members," it will be announced 30 days before the effective date.
  4. "Members" have the right to refuse the changed terms. "Members" can express their refusal within 15 days after the changed terms have been notified. If a "member" refuses, "the company," the service provider, can terminate the contract with the "member" after giving a 15-day prior notice. If the "member" does not express refusal or uses the "service" after the implementation date according to the previous clause, it is considered as consent.

Article 4 (Interpretation of Terms)

  1. For matters not specified in these terms, the related laws and regulations such as the Regulation of Terms Act, the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., shall be followed.
  2. If "members" enter into individual contracts with "the company" to use the service, the individual contract shall take precedence.

Article 5 (Formation of the Use Contract)

  1. The use contract (hereinafter 'use contract') for the company's service is established by the company accepting the application for use (membership application) after the person wishing to use the service agrees to the contents of these terms and the privacy policy.
  2. When the applicant for use presses the "Agree" button on the "service" at the time of application, it is considered as agreeing to these terms and the privacy policy.
  3. The company principally accepts the application of the "applicant for membership" for the use of the service. However, the company may not accept the application or may terminate the use contract afterwards in the following cases:
    1. If the applicant has previously lost membership qualifications under these terms,
    2. If it is not the real name or someone else's name is used,
    3. If false information is provided, or the content requested by the company is not provided,
    4. If a child under the age of 14 does not obtain the consent of the legal representative (such as parents) when entering "personal information" as defined by the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.,
    5. If approval is impossible due to the applicant's fault or if the application is made by violating other stipulated matters.
  4. When a "member" uses a paid service, it is a principle to use the service after paying the usage fee, and the time of establishment of the use contract for the paid service is indicated as "purchase complete" in the application procedure.
  5. The company may withhold approval if there is no spare capacity in the service-related facilities, or if there are technical or business reasons.
  6. If the company does not accept or withholds the membership application according to paragraphs 2 and 3, the company will principally notify the applicant.
  7. The time of establishment of the use contract is indicated by the company at the point of completion of membership in the application procedure.
  8. The company may differentiate the use of services such as posting "content," deleting "content," and providing "hearts" according to the company policy by classifying "members" into different levels.

Article 6 (Application for Service Use)

  1. Users who wish to join as members and use this service must provide information requested by the "company," such as an email. However, members who do not enter actual information may not receive legal protection and may be restricted from using the service.
  2. The service can be used without real-name verification, but if real-name verification is required for services provided later, it must be completed through real-name verification (including i-PIN authentication, which is an alternative to the resident registration number) to use the service, and users who have not registered with their real name cannot claim any rights.
  3. The ID of a member who applies for use with fraudulent intent and methods, such as stealing someone else's personal information, can be deleted without prior notice, and the relevant member can be punished according to related laws.

Article 7 (Obligation to Protect Personal Information)

All information provided by "members" to the "company's" "service" follows the privacy policy, and the company's collection and use of your information are regulated according to this policy. By using this service, "members" are aware that they are considered to have agreed to the company collecting and using their information (as defined in the privacy policy). As part of providing this service to "members," the "company" may need to provide communications including service-related announcements and messages about administrative matters.

Article 8 (Duty of "Members" to Manage "ID" and "Password")

"Members" must protect/manage all actions related to the password used in this service. The "company" recommends setting a strong password for your account (a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols). The "company" is not responsible for any loss or damage that occurs when the above conditions are not met.

Article 9 (Notices to "Members")

  1. When "the company" notifies "members," it can do so through the electronic mail address designated by the "member," unless separately specified in these terms.
  2. For notices to all "members," the "company" can substitute the notice of paragraph 1 by posting in the 'Notices' section within the service for more than 7 days.

Article 10 (The Company's Duties)

  1. The company shall not engage in actions prohibited by the relevant laws and these terms, or actions against public morals, and shall strive to provide the "Service" continuously and stably.
  2. The company must equip a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that "Members" can use the "Service" safely, and shall disclose and comply with the privacy policy.
  3. The company must address any legitimate opinions or complaints raised by "Members" regarding the use of the service. The company will communicate the process and result of handling the opinions or complaints raised by members through bulletin boards or via email.
  4. The company will clearly display the following information at the initial screen of the relevant "Paid Service" or its packaging, FAQs, etc., for easy understanding by "Members":
    1. Name or title of the paid service
    2. Contents, usage method, fees, payment methods, and other conditions of use of the paid service
    3. Available devices and the minimum technical specifications required for use

Article 11 (Suspension of Service Use or Termination of Contract)

  1. "Members" shall not engage in the following actions:
    1. Registering false information upon application or modification
    2. Identity theft of others
    3. Changing information posted by "the Company"
    4. Sending or posting information (such as computer programs) other than the information designated by "the Company"
    5. Infringing upon the intellectual property rights of "the Company" and others
    6. Damaging the reputation of "the Company" and others or interfering with their work
    7. Posting or disclosing obscene or violent messages, images, voices, and other information contrary to public morals on "the Company"
    8. Using the service for commercial purposes without the consent of the company
    9. Other illegal or unjust acts
  2. "Members" must comply with the laws, regulations of these terms, instructions for use, notices related to the "Service," and matters notified by "the Company," and must not interfere with "the Company's" operations.

Article 12 (Provision of Service, Etc.)

  1. The service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in principle.
  2. "The Company" may temporarily suspend the provision of the service if there is a need for maintenance checks, replacement, or repair of information and communication equipment, or in case of communication failure or significant operational reasons. In this case, "the Company" will notify "Members" by the method specified in Article 9 (Notices to "Members"). However, if there is an inevitable reason why "the Company" cannot notify in advance, it may notify afterwards.
  3. "The Company" may conduct regular maintenance as needed for the provision of the service, and the maintenance time will be announced on the service provision screen.

Article 13 (Change of Service)

  1. "The Company" may change all or part of the services being provided for operational or technical reasons if there is a significant reason. In case of a change in the content, method of use, or hours of use of the service, the reason for the change, the content of the service to be changed, and the date of provision must be posted on the initial screen of the relevant service at least 7 days before the change.
  2. "The Company" may modify, suspend, or change part or all of the provided services due to the company's policy and operational needs, and except as specifically provided by relevant laws, no separate compensation will be provided to members.

Article 14 (Provision of Information and Placement of Advertisements)

  1. The company may provide members with various information by posting it on the "Service" notices or by mail, etc., in operating the service.
  2. If you agree to join the 'idoki' service, it is considered that you agree to receive emails, text messages, and notification talks.

Article 15 (Copyright of Posts)

  1. The copyright of posts made by "Members" within the service belongs to the authors of those posts.
  2. "Contents" posted by "Members" within the "Service" may be exposed in search results or in the "Service" and related promotions, and for such exposure, they may be partially modified, reproduced, and edited within the necessary scope. In this case, the company complies with copyright laws, and "Members" can take actions such as deleting, excluding from search results, or making private regarding their posts at any time through customer service or management functions within the "Service".
  3. "The Company" must obtain the consent of the member in advance through telephone, fax, email, etc., if it wishes to use the member's posts in ways other than those described in paragraph 2.

Article 16 (Responsibility for Members' Posts)

  1. The company may take necessary measures such as temporary action, deletion, or refusal to post without prior notice if it deems that a post made or transmitted by a member on the service falls under any of the following:
    1. If the content defames the company, other members, or third parties or damages their reputation,
    2. If the content violates public order and morals,
    3. If the content of the post is judged to be associated with criminal activities,
    4. If the content infringes on the copyright of the company, third parties, or other rights of others,
    5. If the content induces political or religious disputes in a way that violates laws or infringes on the rights of others,
    6. If unnecessary or unauthorized advertisements, promotional materials are posted,
    7. If the content is created by stealing someone else's personal information, or unlawfully alters information entered by others,
    8. If the same content is posted repeatedly, deviating from the purpose of posting,
    9. If it is designated or anticipated to be designated as harmful media to youths under the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., or the Juvenile Protection Act, or is judged to be equivalent to such posts,
    10. If the content is judged to violate other related laws, company policies, or detailed guidelines for individual services.
  2. The company may establish and implement separate detailed guidelines related to posts for each individual service, and members must post (including transmission between members) according to those guidelines.

Article 17 (Management of Posts)

  1. If a member's post includes content that violates the "Information and Communications Network Act," "Copyright Law," or other related laws, the rights holder can request the suspension of posting and deletion of the post according to the procedures set by related laws, and both "the company" and "members" must take actions in accordance with the law.
  2. Even if there is no request from the rights holder as mentioned in the previous paragraph, the company may take temporary measures against the post if there is a reason to believe that rights infringement has occurred or if it violates company policy or related laws.

Article 18 (Ownership of Rights)

The copyright and intellectual property rights for the "Service" belong to the "members" who posted them. However, this excludes posts by members and works provided according to partnership agreements. Posting on the 'idoki' service is considered as granting 'idoki' the rights to use the works.

The company grants members the right to use accounts, IDs, posts, etc., under the usage conditions set by the company in relation to the service. Members cannot transfer, sell, or provide these as collateral.

Article 19 (Termination and Cancellation by Members)

  1. Members can request to withdraw from the service at any time through the personal information management menu, and the company must process this immediately according to the relevant laws.
  2. When a member terminates the contract, all data of the member will be deleted immediately, except for cases where the company retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and the privacy policy.
  3. Upon termination of the contract by a member, all data registered to their account will be deleted.

Article 20 (Restrictions on Use, etc.)

  1. The company can progressively restrict the use of the service to warning, temporary suspension, and termination of the contract if a member violates the obligations of these terms or interferes with the normal operation of the service.
  2. Notwithstanding the previous provision, the company can immediately terminate the contract in cases of violation of relevant laws such as identity theft and payment fraud in violation of the Resident Registration Act, providing and operating illegal programs in violation of the Copyright Act and the Computer Program Protection Act, illegal communication and hacking in violation of the Information and Communications Network Act, distribution of malicious programs, or exceeding access rights. Benefits acquired through the use of the service will also be forfeited, and the company will not compensate for this.
  3. The company will determine the conditions and details of the restrictions within the scope of restrictions on use in this article according to the usage restriction policy.
  4. When restricting the use of the service or terminating the contract according to this article, the company will notify according to Article 9 [Notices to Members].
  5. Members can object to the restrictions on use under this article according to the procedures set by the company. If the company acknowledges the objection as valid, it will immediately resume the use of the service.

Article 21 (Compensation for Damages Due to Defects in Posts, etc.)

The company will handle the standards, scope, methods, and procedures for compensation for damages to members due to defects, etc., according to the "Guidelines for the Protection of Digital Content Users."

Article 22 (Purchase, Usage Period, and Use of Paid Contents)

  1. Paid contents purchased by members within the 'idoki' service can only be used on devices where the application has been downloaded or installed.
  2. The usage period of the paid contents purchased by the member follows the period specified at the time of purchase. However, if the service is suspended according to Article 13, paragraph 2, the usage period for paid contents without a specified period shall be until the suspension date announced at the time of the service suspension notice.

Article 23 (Withdrawal of Subscription)

  1. Members who have entered into a contract for the purchase of paid content with the company can withdraw their subscription without any penalty or cancellation fee within 7 days from the later of the contract date or the date the content becomes available.
  2. Members cannot withdraw their subscription against the company's will in the following cases, and in such cases, the company will take measures according to the relevant laws:
    1. If the paid content is used or applied immediately upon purchase,
    2. If additional benefits are provided and those benefits have been used,
    3. If the content is considered used upon opening or its utility is determined at the time of opening,
    4. If the content or services were received for free as a gift from someone else or through company events, or acquired during the use of the service,
    5. If part of the content sold in bundles has been used or applied.
  3. The company will clearly indicate if the content is ineligible for subscription withdrawal according to the provisions of paragraph 2 in an easily noticeable place, provide trial versions of the content (allowing limited use, providing trials, etc.) when necessary, or provide information about the content to ensure that members' right to withdraw subscriptions is not hindered. If the company does not take such measures, members can withdraw their subscription regardless of the reasons for withdrawal restriction mentioned in paragraph 2.
  4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, if the content of the paid content purchased by the member differs from the content displayed or advertised or is performed differently from the contract content, the member can withdraw their subscription within 3 months from the date of purchase or the date the content becomes available, or within 30 days from the day they became aware or could have become aware of such fact.
  5. If a subscription withdrawal is made according to the provisions from paragraph 1 to 4, the company shall promptly recover the paid content from the member and refund the price within 3 business days. If the company delays the refund, it will pay delay interest calculated by multiplying the delay period by the interest rate defined in Article 21-3 of the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
  6. If a minor makes a payment without the consent of their legal guardian, the minor or the legal guardian can cancel the payment. However, cancellation may be restricted if the minor's payment for the paid service was within the scope permitted by the legal guardian or if it occurred due to the minor's deceit. Whether the party to the contract for the purchase of content is a minor is determined based on the mobile device used for payment, the information of the payment executor, the name of the payment method holder, etc., and the company can request submission of documents proving the minor and the legal guardian's identity to verify the legitimacy of the cancellation.
  7. When a minor member enters into a contract for a paid service that requires payment, the company will notify that the contract can be canceled by the minor themselves or their legal guardian if there is no consent from the legal guardian. If a minor enters into a contract without the consent of the legal guardian, the minor themselves or the legal guardian can cancel the contract with the company. However, cancellation is not possible if the minor has entered into the paid service contract with property allowed by the legal guardian for disposal or if the minor deceived others into believing they were of legal age or had the consent of the legal guardian.
  8. Upon receiving the documents as specified in the previous paragraph from a member, the company will make its best effort to complete the refund as soon as possible.

Article 24 (Refund of Overpayments)

  1. The company will refund any overpayments to the member. However, if the overpayment occurred due to the member's fault without any intention or negligence on the part of the company, the actual costs incurred for the refund will be borne by the member within a reasonable range.
  2. Paid payments through applications follow the payment method provided by the open market operator, and in the event of an overcharge during the payment process, a refund must be requested from the company or the open market operator.
  3. Refunds will be processed according to the refund policy of each open market operator or the company, depending on the operating system of the device being used to access the service.
  4. Communication charges (call charges, data charges, etc.) incurred by downloading the application or using network services are excluded from the refund.
  5. Refunds will be processed according to the refund policy of the open market operator or the company, depending on the operating system of the mobile device being used to access the service.
  6. Contents acquired for free during the use of the service without a paid payment, or contents provided for free by the company through internal or external partnership events, are excluded from the refund.
  7. The company may contact the member using the information provided by the member to process the refund of overpayments and may request the provision of necessary information. The company will refund within 3 business days from the day it receives the necessary information for the refund from the member.

Article 25 (Limitation of Liability)

  1. The company is exempt from liability for the provision of the "Service" in cases of natural disasters or force majeure equivalent to such.
  2. The company is not responsible for any service use disorders caused by the fault of the "Member".
  3. The company does not bear any responsibility for the reliability, accuracy, etc., of the information, materials, and facts posted by the "Member" in relation to the "Service".
  4. The company is exempt from liability in cases where transactions or other dealings have been made between "Members" or between "Members" and third parties mediated by the "Service".
  5. The company is not liable for the use of services provided free of charge unless there are special provisions in the related laws.

Article 26 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. Lawsuits raised between the "Company" and "Members" shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  2. Litigations related to disputes between the "Company" and "Members" shall be filed in the competent courts according to the Civil Procedure Act.